
Lokators + Kap Kap (FIN)

Depo, Vaļņu iela 32, Rīga
02.02.2018. 21:00

Lokators (LV – post hc/ garage/ punk)

"Lokators" radās 2010. gadā, kad rokgrupas "Židrūns" vokālistam nācās gadu studēt Francijā, tāpēc pārējie biedri temporāri palika bez grupas. Jūtot spēcīgu vēlmi turpināt spēlēt, Rigā palikušie "Židrūna" puiši izlēma nodibināt jaunu grupu, kur varētu spēlēt ļoti vienkāršu, bet spēcīgu mūziku. Tad arī lo-fi manierē, izmantojot 4 celiņu Tascam kasešnieku, tika ierakstīts "Lokatora" vienīgais albums "Pis kamēr silts(-a)". "Lokators" ir labs pierādījums tam, ka nekad nevajag padoties, nevajag būt pacietīgam un kaut ko gaidīt. Jāpiebilst, ka grupa jau daudzus gadus nav spēlējusi, jo bundzinieks dzīvo Londonā, taču ik pa laikam, kad viņš atbrauc uz Latviju, notiek regrupēšanās, kam parasti seko pāris koncerti.

Kap Kap (FIN – psychedelic/ kraut rock)

KAP KAP is Finland’s best kept secret, the psych-kraut-pop preachers, who were formed in 2007 to play rhythmic post-rock and experimental music with all the influences close to their hearts. Back then and still at present, their songs might be quite different from each other but there is certain uniformity in them soundwise and lyrically. They released the first EP “Fullmooner” in 2008 (Pingis Pong Records) and gained lots of attention with the record and the single “Saigon”. In 2010 came the full length debut album “Holy Are You” (Cobra Records) which was loved by alternative music press and eclectic music fans. KAP KAP performed actively between 2010 and 2013 and recorded their second full-length “Flux Of Solace” (Rapu Records) which was released in 2014 and also got very good reception in Finland.

After performing several shows, going through some line-up changes and recording a new album, which will be out later this year, KAP KAP is excited to go on a tour outside of Finland with their new music. On this new album they have developed their own distinctive songwriting even further. The first single from the new album will be out end 2017.


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