Manzana is a five-piece Alpha-female-fronted pop-metal band from Tampere, Finland, whose music reminds of a combination of Roxette and Rammstein. In its 15 years of existence Manzana has released four studio albums and toured Europe and the Baltics over ten times, and China two times. The band is very well known in many underground scenes and can easily play a Serbian punk cave, a German motorcycle club, and a Latvian disco nightclub in one weekend!
Dorothy Polonium are an alternative rock group with a touch of sombre mysticism. The four seasoned bandsmen orchestrating this phenomena deliver with uncompromising fervor. Dorothy Polonium's music combines heavy rock riffs with madness and top-class musicianship. The band's first album has received great reception from the Finnish music media and the band is currently working on their second one.
SEIRA Alternatīvais metāls. Grupas skaņdarbos savijas melodisks vokāls ar smagu un ritmisku instrumentālo pavadījumu. Dziesmu teksti un melodijas harmoniski veido vienotu, taču smeldzīgu noskaņu. Kompozīcijas visbiežāk atspoguļo iekšējās pasaules pārdzīvojumus un tajos dzirdams protests pret sarežģīto savstarpējo attiecību laikmetu. Metaforas mijas ar reālām dzīves situācijām, cenšoties mūzikā atšķetināt notikumus un sajūtas, kas skar mūs katru.
Ieeja: 3 eiro