Scarlet Pills ir piecu dalībnieku formācija ar meitenes vokālu priekšplānā. Dibināta 2007. gadā, sākotnēji ar nosaukumu Geneva, grupas bagāžā 3 albumi, no kuriem pēdējais Colonial parody izdots pagājušā gada nogalē un kuru popularizējot grupa ierodas DEPO. Grupas spēlētais rokenrols ir ass, enerģisks un melodisks. Varētu patikt grupu Rancid, Green day, Funeral party faniem.
Scarlet Pills are five pieces punkrock band based in Saint-Petersburg, Russia and formed in 2007 under the name Geneva. in 2009 the band changed its name to Scarlet Pills.
For the moment Scarlet Pills released EP Fake You! (2008 as Geneva) and two albums (as Scarlet Pills): No One Will Live a Life For You (2010) and Colonial Parody (2012)
If you look at the last one you can see how developes the music and the sound - songs are arranged in the order in which they were written. Mostly the songs - is a shout that can be described as follows "Hey! look yourself - you are fake, and there is really NOTHING to take from you" - it's about the wasted youth, lost generation, fake values and acting out. Of course, sometimes its just a story of a person taken from the everyday life.
Scarlet Pills are:
Nastya - vocals
Dima - Guitar
Dima - Guitar (joined the band in the end of 2012)
Nik - Bass
Slava - Drums (joined the band in the end of May'12 since Tim, the former drummer, left the band)
Bandcamp (download both albums for free)
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